Yes, you read that right. We have a library at NWA WP! While not all the books were purchased outright by us, all are here for the use of anyone and everyone who crosses our doors.
While preparing to write this blog, we noticed some of our favorite volumes from the library at NWA WP have developed legs and walked away, most notably OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell, HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE by Dale Carnegie, and the Stephen Covey classic, 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE. That said, they’re great books, and honestly we aren’t even mad.
OF the volumes that remain, NEVER EAT ALONE is never in the same place twice, meaning someone is picking it up and skimming it on the regular.

LINCHPIN by Seth Godin was found at the back lounge, by THE OFFICE folks.

Jimmy Buffet A PIRATE LOOKS AT FIFTY was retrieved from the men’s room (?!)

TEN ARGUMENTS FOR DELETING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS RIGHT NOW gets the most raised eyebrows. We love it because you don’t even have to open it to read those ten reasons.

The James O’Brien book belongs to our Community Manager, and accidentally got put on the shelf when it was left in the lobby one weekend.
And if you ever wanted to know about the private lives of your favorite female rockers, NOBODY EVER ASKED ME ABOUT THE GIRLS by Lisa Robinson is a great read full of stories and insights rarely shared before.
Perhaps one of the main benefits of joining a co-working space is the connections you make with other people and ideas. And nothing exposes you to new ideas better than books. Next time you’re in the area, you are invited to pop in, make yourself a coffee, tea, or hot cocoa, and grab a book. We have several cozy places you can sit and read. We’d love to have you here, especially as winter closes in and we hang up the bikes for longer than usual most weeks.