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You Need to Plan an Offsite

If you’re one who always had an office to report to, even during the pandemic, you may think you have no need for flex space or a meeting room rental. And while you may have all the room you want at your fingertips, there’s something to be said for getting into unfamiliar territory, even if it’s just for a quick check-in with your team. You need to plan an offsite!

A multicultural group of people holding their hands on a tree
Shane Rounce @ Unsplash

There’s a few good reasons to plan an offsite. A big one is that being away from your usual locale will cut down on interruptions. If you’re not in the office, no one can “pop in” to “pick your brain for a minute”. Just set your phone on FOCUS and keep your attention on the matter at hand. 


It’s been shown that new surroundings inspire new ideas. If you’re stuck in a rut, and a simple walk around the block won't cut it, step away from your routine and book a fresh space. Different sights, smells, colors, textures, and even lighting can activate different parts of your brain and stoke creativity.  An offsite can help you come up with new ideas, new ways to think, and new ways to say the same thing, thus getting better results. 


It sounds cliche, but bonding and team building are easier on unfamiliar turf. We all tend to be on-guard in the office, even if unconsciously. Get everyone in a new environment though, and they’ll likely let their guard down and see colleagues in a different light. 


If your org has a strict hierarchy, getting everyone away can help tear down the walls of formality. The most successful teams honor each other as people, not just titles and obligations. Getting to know each other outside the harsh setting of the office can create trust, and teams that trust each other are more likely to cooperate when the tension is high. 


Perhaps the best part of planning an offsite, though, is you can let someone else take care of your needs. Plan properly, and you can have your meals, beverages, snacks, and even printing and parking, handled for you. When your brain isn’t mired down in the minutiae, you have more space to think creatively and solve your previously unsolvable issues.


If your team needs an offsite in Bentonville, we have two to choose from. Whether you want to be close to downtown and the Walmart campus, or you prefer to be closer to nature, we have both. Each has tons of free parking, is easily accessible via car or greenway, and we have free inside bike parking AND free e-bike charging. Use the button below to explore all the ways we can help make your next offsite effortless. 

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